An accurate description of the relationship between Russia and it's former Soviet republic neighbours. They are but a bunch of ingrates who kowtow to the USA. Russia's only interest is to keep the west away from its long borders with these imbeciles. Let them keep toying with the west, they will learn the hard way. Does Ukraine ring a bell?
Thanks for providing this information that goes unnoticed by other sources.
I have download your article as a reminder when I address the topic. Thank you.
Many thanks on the Kazakh situation. AND thanks for the Niger news...
An accurate description of the relationship between Russia and it's former Soviet republic neighbours. They are but a bunch of ingrates who kowtow to the USA. Russia's only interest is to keep the west away from its long borders with these imbeciles. Let them keep toying with the west, they will learn the hard way. Does Ukraine ring a bell?